Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cathedral Windows

This is called the Cathedral Windows quilt.  It is done by hand and quilted as you go.  Ardith Davis from Panguitch came to our guild to show us how she made this block.

Ardith said that all of her 6 children want one of these quilts so she made them small ones that are framed.  She used fabric from her family's clothing to make them.

She is now making pillows for her grand children.

To make them you start with a 9inch square and fold it in half.  Then you sew up the short sides.

You then pull it open and meet the seams together.  Sew towards the center leaving a space in the center to turn it inside out.

You then fold the corners, meeting them in the center.  Then you have a smaller square.  It is now a bias square block.  You do that same thing to another one and whip stitch them together.  Laying your colored 2 1/2" square of colored fabric across the seam and roll the folded parts of the background over the edge of the small square.  You then stitch it down on three sides, going through all the layers.  This is what quilts it as you go.  On the third side you stuff it with a small bit of poly fill.  Then you rollover the back ground and stitch that down too.  Tack the corners together. She says it is best to do them in strips if you are making a larger quilt.

That may be a clear as mud but I am just going by what I can remember.  I haven't tried it yet.  I think it turns out really beautiful though.

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